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Cancellation by Customer

If, for any reason, you decide to cancel your confirmed booking, your credit card will be credited with the appropriate amount as per the cancellation policy applicable.

Please note that following our customer oriented booking system which offers multiple order options of either ordering an open voucher or ordering an activity for a specific date, Mauritius Attractions charges different cancellation charges according to the order option chosen by you and its status (if the activity has been already reserved for a specific date or not):

Cancellation of an activity booked as Open Voucher:

Please note that in case a customer would like to cancel an Open Voucher before it was used to reserve an activity for a specific date, then the customer will only be charged with a cancellation fee of 20% of the total amount of the voucher (this is to cover our card processing fees and handling costs).

Cancellation of an activity reserved for a specific date:

This option refers to cases in which an activity has been booked and reserved by the customer for a specific date, including:

  • Cancellation of an activity which has been reserved for a specific date as part of the initial order process
  • Cancellation of an open voucher after it was used by the customer to reserve an activity for a specific date

In both these cases, cancellation charges apply according to the table here below:

  Charged as a % of the order amount for the activity
More than 30 days before the date of the activity 5%
15-30 days before the date of the activity 20%
7-14 days before the date of the activity 35%
3-6 days before the date of the activity 50%
2 days before the date of the activity 100%

Please note:

  • All the above refers to working days only (Monday-Friday), excluding public holiday
  • Notice of cancellation will only be effective when it is received by E-mail sent to Mauritius Attractions:
  • If a booking is cancelled before it has been processed and Maurtius Attractions has not yet sent the client the corresponding vouchers, a 5% cancellation fee will be charged.
  • Reserved date or time for the activity = the specific date or time for which the customer is suppose to go on the activity/attractions/service according to the reservation made by him/her.
  • These cancellation charges are calculated as a percentage of the total order amount for the activity the customer would like to cancel.
  • All cancellation request should be sent before 15:00; any cancellation communicated after 15:00 will be taken into consideration as from the next working day.
  • No refunds are available once a tour, activity, attractions or service has commenced, or in respect of any package, spa treatment, meal or any other services already utilized.
  • In case an activity is canceled due to bad weather conditions, we guarantee to all of our customers a Full Refund. However, if the activity operates, rain or shine, and the customers decides not to go, the customer will be charged for the last minute cancellation.
  • In case of a “No Show” or in case a customer arriving late to an activity, the tour will leave on time and the client will be charged for a last minute cancellation.
  • Entrance tickets to Museums, national parks, Mauritius Aquarium, Mauritius waterpark, Botanical garden, and tickets for special events, are non-refundable in all circumstances.
  • Where the cancellation charge is shown as a percentage, this is calculated on the basis of the total amount payable by the person/s for the canceled activity.
  • If any member of your party is prevented from traveling, that person may transfer their place to someone else. In case the order was made on the name of the person who is prevented from traveling, you must inform MauritiusAttractions as soon as possible about this change and provide a name of the other person who will use the activity (so we can change the order on his name).
  • Refunds must be requested by sending an email to to be eligible for consideration. Requests received by any other method including direct email to a staff member or online chat or phone conversation or text message or to the supplier cannot be considered or processed. Refund must be requested within 28 calendar days from the day of the cancellation.
  • Once the refund request has been submitted, please note that it will be processed by our accounting team, which may take up to 21 working days.
  • If the client misses the pickup time communicated by Mauritius Attractions resulting in missing the activity, a disturbance fee of MUR 1200 will be applicable and has to be settled with the driver.

Cancellation by Mauritius Attractions

In the unlikely event of the cancellation of an activity, tour, excursion, attraction, package trip by Mauritius attractions, we will:

  • Propose an equivalent trip and/or package to the client.
  • If the client chooses to refuse that option, then Mauritius Attractions shall provide 100% full money refund to the customer in the total amount paid by the customer to Mauritius Attractions for the activity which has been canceled. In case an activity is canceled due to unforeseen conditions, then, Mauritius Attractions is not liable to provide the client with a refund for the taxi fare or to cover any other charge (except for processing a full refund of the direct amount paid for the activity).
  • In case the activity is cancelled either at the departure point or during the transfer to the activity, a disturbance fee for the driver remains payable, as calculated by the Mauritius Attractions team.

The only exception to the above would be cases of force majeure or as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control.


The above stated Cancellation close is applicable ONLY in case the activity has been canceled by Mauritius Attractions taking into consideration of no amendment done from the client side on the original booking.

Refunds must be requested by sending an email to to be eligible for consideration. Requests received by any other method including direct email to a staff member or online chat or phone conversation or text message or to the supplier cannot be considered or processed. Refund must be requested within 28 calendar days from the day of the cancellation.

Cancellation Policy for Altered Activity Bookings, Dates, and Times

In the event that a client requests to change a confirmed activity, date, or time, and subsequently, the new activity/date/time slot is cancelled by either the supplier/Mauritius Attractions or client for any reason, Mauritius Attractions reserves the right to charge cancellation fees based on the original details of the booking.

Activity Change Scenario:

If a client initially books Activity A and later decides to cancel and book Activity B (even if Activity A is available and maintained), no refund will be issued for the price difference between the two activities (if any).

Date or Time Change Scenario:

If a client originally books for January 1st and later changes the activity date to February 1st, cancellation fees will apply if the activity on February 1st is cancelled by the supplier but maintained on January 1st. The same principle applies to changes in activity time.

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