Phases of Island Reopening
Phase 1 - Hotel Holiday for Fully Vaccinated Tourists
UPDATE (30 August 2021): From the 1st to the 30th of September 2021, people who are fully vaccinated can travel to Mauritius to spend a hotel holiday for up to 7 days. At the airport all travellers will have to take a PCR test and stay in their hotel room until they get their test result. Another PCR test will be administered on the 7th of their hotel stay.
Travellers will be able to leave the hotel and explore the island after the 7th day PCR test result comes out negative, and stay in any accommodation of their choice or leave the country.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The content below was last updated on March 24, 2021.
From the 15th of July to 30th of September 2021, people who are fully vaccinated can travel to Mauritius to spend a hotel holiday for up to 14 days. At the airport all travellers will have to take a PCR test and stay in their hotel room until they get their test result. Another PCR test will be administered on the 7th and 14th day of their hotel stay.
They will be able to use hotel facilities (some facilities will still be prohibited or operating under specific conditions) and chill on the beach as much as they want if their PCR test comes out negative. Guests will be asked to remain in their room until their first PCR test result is revealed. Once they have a negative result, they will be able to roam around the designated areas of the hotel with the necessary sanitary measures taken into consideration.
Travellers will be able to leave the hotel and explore the island after 14 days and stay in any accommodation of their choice or leave the country. Should their quarantine hotel be available for non-quarantine stays, they would be able to book the same hotel for the remaining days of their holidays. (Normally, such hotels would have a restricted area for quarantine purposes whereby neither the staff nor the equipment would be shared between).
Phase 2 - Complete opening of borders for both vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists
As from the 1st of October, the island will be reopened fully.
This means we will welcome both vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers to our paradise island again. Those who are fully vaccinated will be allowed to enter the country upon presentation of a negative PCR test result obtained 72 hours prior to boarding. They will be able to relax in a hotel and explore the island and its many attractions throughout their holiday.
For the unvaccinated travellers, they will be able to do so after a 14-day in-room hotel quarantine and after their last (14th day of their hotel stay) PCR test is negative.