Mauritius Map of Hospitals and Clinics
Mauritius Hospitals and Clinics Map
The Mauritius Hospitals and Clinics map provide a full representation of the health service points available in Mauritius mainland and also on Rodrigues Island.
The hospitals and clinic and categories into the following categories:
- Regional Hospitals
- District Hospitals
- Specialized Hospitals
- Community Hospitals
- Medi-Clinics
- Regional (area) Health Center
- Community Health Center Family Clinics
It is important to mention here that the Mauritius Hospitals and Clinics map is relevant and updated for the year of 2005. With that, during the last few years additional hospitals, clinics and health center are available in Mauritius.
The biggest addition to the Mauritius health system was the opening of the Apollo Bramwell Hospital which provides full array of services in international standards. The Apollo Bramwell Hospital is situated about 10km south of Port Louis along the Mauritan highway at the entrance to Moka.
Click on the map image to see a larger image of the Mauritius Hospitals and Clinics map.
For your convenience you can print out any of these maps of Mauritius Island and use them during your vacation in Mauritius.
Mauritius Hospitals and Clinics Map